Dress Down Friday for Local Charity Back

Date published: February 5, 2016


The Hankinson Group has decided that the funds raised from dress down Friday will be donated to a local charity for Olivia May Philips.

On the 17th October 2015 4 year old Olivia Phillips was diagnosed with stage 4 multiple liver and lung cancer. Upon diagnosis surgery was not an option given the size and location of the tumour.

A chemotherapy plan was put in place and following her first treatment Olivia became extremely unwell. She has undergone various treatments of alternative chemotherapy but sadly results show that the treatment is not working as well as hoped. 

Given Olivia’s progress so far and the prognosis for her future care Olivia’s parents are desperately looking at alternative treatments. It is hoped that a treatment known as Nanoknife could help. This treatment is only performed at The Princess Grace Hospital in London.  

This treatment has no side effects and is not harmful in any way to Olivia.
It is felt this is Olivia’s best option for beating this.

You can follow Olivia's story on facebook: Olivia's Story